Collection: Ametrine Therapeutic Necklaces
- it dispels blockages within the physical, emotional and mental subtle bodies
-It builds the acceptance level of self and others, increasing compatibility
The Guardian of Ametrine explains...
This unique gem, (even though some qualify it as two gems in one) was created specifically as a transporter to the wisdom of the Universe.
Ametrine simply removes any blockages held within oneself to wisdom. All wisdom is accessible to anyone; it is only a matter of clearing the pathways to it. Often times it is simply one self who is blocking the pathways. Denial is a condition that is very prominent on planet Earth. At some point one places limits which lead to denial. It is crucial for one's unfolding to embrace the limitlessness within. This gem will assist one with that.
If accessing wisdom is one's goal, Ametrine is best used with conscious and pure intent. Often times a guide will appear to assist in this process - this gem can help one to connect to one's guides. If it is worn (or used) over a longer period of time, its energies will bring forth one's innate (internal) wisdom. It will tap into the pool of knowledge and allow it to be open to you. Gradually one will approach all of life's tasks and experiences with the wisdom known to the masters and beyond. This will ultimately lead one on the path of enlightenment and a new level of living will be reached.
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