5th Dimensional Healing /Meditation Ring
made with authentic Monatomic Andara Crystal beads
made with authentic Monatomic Andara Crystal beads
This ring not only brings in the benefits of the individual colors, but also the vibration of the set intention of the ring design.
We selected the Andara Crystal colors
which relate to the 7 main chakras of the body
12mm Andara Beads in darker chakra colors
Andara Beads in Deep Red, Orange, Golden Yellow,
Deep Green, Medium Bright Blue, Indigo and Purple
Deep Green, Medium Bright Blue, Indigo and Purple
Ring is shown next to a US quarter coin which is 24mm
This Healing/Meditation Ring can be used on a key area of the body, held in hands during meditation or placed on a specific chakra for meditation enhancement. They also can be used as a "worry stone", placed on desk/table or added to alter/sacred space for high vibe input.
Because the colors bring an added dimension to the healing received - color summaries have been created, listed below, to help in the selection or perhaps help to understand why drawn to a certain color. It should be understood that regardless of color - the Andara crystal share a frequency since they are all carry the monatomic elements - conveying super potent healing and help. The color - is an added bonus to the healing.
Because the colors bring an added dimension to the healing received - color summaries have been created, listed below, to help in the selection or perhaps help to understand why drawn to a certain color. It should be understood that regardless of color - the Andara crystal share a frequency since they are all carry the monatomic elements - conveying super potent healing and help. The color - is an added bonus to the healing.
It should be noted that between color hues, for example blues, greens, etc., there will be overlaps in the helping traits. Rather than give very general information on the individual colors we chose to distinguish between the slight variances of hues to perhaps fine tune and focus the healing process.
The Deep Red Andara Crystal color allows one to unplug from all preconceived limitations and labels including ancestral lines, karmic patterns, past lives, etc. It frees one from the wheel of karma, rewriting limiting “stories”. This color peels away layers of issues for a fuller, faster resolution, stopping the “onion” effect.
The Deep Red Andara Crystal color releases kundalini, one’s inner power, in a positive flow. It balances the masculine and feminine within for an even, harmonious expression of self, bringing back into flow what was stuck or held by rocks of stagnation and/or laziness. This color removes blockages at the core, cutting through the superficial and clearing the subconscious.
The Deep Red Andara Crystal color restores warmth and brings a sweetness to the heart. It balances a strong will and mind, melting the most closed. This color aligns and resonates to goddess energies and connections.
The Deep Red Andara Crystal color resonates to the 1st chakra and the 1st Ray of Healing.
The Deep Red Andara Crystal color allows one to unplug from all preconceived limitations and labels including ancestral lines, karmic patterns, past lives, etc. It frees one from the wheel of karma, rewriting limiting “stories”. This color peels away layers of issues for a fuller, faster resolution, stopping the “onion” effect.
The Deep Red Andara Crystal color releases kundalini, one’s inner power, in a positive flow. It balances the masculine and feminine within for an even, harmonious expression of self, bringing back into flow what was stuck or held by rocks of stagnation and/or laziness. This color removes blockages at the core, cutting through the superficial and clearing the subconscious.
The Deep Red Andara Crystal color restores warmth and brings a sweetness to the heart. It balances a strong will and mind, melting the most closed. This color aligns and resonates to goddess energies and connections.
The Deep Red Andara Crystal color resonates to the 1st chakra and the 1st Ray of Healing.
The Orange Andara Crystal color establishes a foundation for gratitude and seeing all of life through the eyes of gratitude. It amplifies joy and happiness and helps to see without judgment. This color restores optimism, develops self respect and increases warm heartedness.
The Orange Andara Crystal color supports creativity and stimulates true expression of the self. It restores spontaneity and helps to connect with the Divine flow. This color helps to release the need to plan and control opening the doors to free expression in every moment.
The Orange Andara Crystal color helps to rewrite perspectives and approaches to relationships and intimacy. It harmonizes the inner gut and aids in gentle digestion.
The Orange Andara Crystal color resonates to the 2nd chakra and the 2nd Ray of Healing.
The Orange Andara Crystal color establishes a foundation for gratitude and seeing all of life through the eyes of gratitude. It amplifies joy and happiness and helps to see without judgment. This color restores optimism, develops self respect and increases warm heartedness.
The Orange Andara Crystal color supports creativity and stimulates true expression of the self. It restores spontaneity and helps to connect with the Divine flow. This color helps to release the need to plan and control opening the doors to free expression in every moment.
The Orange Andara Crystal color helps to rewrite perspectives and approaches to relationships and intimacy. It harmonizes the inner gut and aids in gentle digestion.
The Orange Andara Crystal color resonates to the 2nd chakra and the 2nd Ray of Healing.
The Golden Yellow Andara Crystal color opens the door to limitless possibilities and leads one towards true freedom and liberation. It stimulates the spiritual mind bringing new awareness and perspectives. This color brings one into Divine flow helping to follow the natural rhythm of life.
The Golden Yellow Andara Crystal color balances and aligns the will while merging the heart and soul. It brings one into the NOW moment, restoring divine vitality and honing energy so it is warm and light filled. This color illuminates the light body, opening the doors to joy, empowerment and a deep sense of christ consciousness.
The Golden Yellow Andara Crystal color resonates to the 3rd chakra and the 3rd Ray of Healing.
The Golden Yellow Andara Crystal color opens the door to limitless possibilities and leads one towards true freedom and liberation. It stimulates the spiritual mind bringing new awareness and perspectives. This color brings one into Divine flow helping to follow the natural rhythm of life.
The Golden Yellow Andara Crystal color balances and aligns the will while merging the heart and soul. It brings one into the NOW moment, restoring divine vitality and honing energy so it is warm and light filled. This color illuminates the light body, opening the doors to joy, empowerment and a deep sense of christ consciousness.
The Golden Yellow Andara Crystal color resonates to the 3rd chakra and the 3rd Ray of Healing.
The Deep Green Andara Crystal color is especially inspiring and uplifting tapping into our true essence. Our true essence is one of abundance on all levels and this color helps to attract abundance working as a magnet of this energy and showing us the limitless nature of ourselves.
The Deep Green Andara Crystal color removes all feelings of lack bringing about a new outlook on prosperity and success which is rooted in our true nature. This color makes manifest heaven on earth as was originally intended for our time here.
The Deep Green Andara Crystal color restores a sense of balance and harmony not only for ourselves but for those around us and the planet Earth itself. This color promotes unconditional love and ignites compassion. It helps to strengthen relationships between one another and with all aspects of the self, seeing the truth of all we are. It allows easier access to sacred knowledge and creative magic.
The Deep Green Andara Crystal color resonates to the 4th chakra and the 4th ray of healing.
The Deep Green Andara Crystal color is especially inspiring and uplifting tapping into our true essence. Our true essence is one of abundance on all levels and this color helps to attract abundance working as a magnet of this energy and showing us the limitless nature of ourselves.
The Deep Green Andara Crystal color removes all feelings of lack bringing about a new outlook on prosperity and success which is rooted in our true nature. This color makes manifest heaven on earth as was originally intended for our time here.
The Deep Green Andara Crystal color restores a sense of balance and harmony not only for ourselves but for those around us and the planet Earth itself. This color promotes unconditional love and ignites compassion. It helps to strengthen relationships between one another and with all aspects of the self, seeing the truth of all we are. It allows easier access to sacred knowledge and creative magic.
The Deep Green Andara Crystal color resonates to the 4th chakra and the 4th ray of healing.
The Medium (bright) Blue Andara Crystal color initiates protection on all levels surrounding one with a feeling of being safe, filled with love and being cared for on the highest level. Through this the color gives a deep sense of peace that permeates and allows one to look at the world through different eyes.
The Medium (bright) Blue Andara Crystal color cultivates acceptance that all is in perfect order and Divine timing. It releases the bonds of control, easing the whole process of transition within the different states of being. This color helps to cut all energetic connections which are no longer needed and do not serve the realization of the true being.
The Medium (bright) Blue Andara Crystal color helps to remember the true nature of oneself, connecting to the Divine will or god source energy. This forges a stronger connection with the higher self restoring the knowledge of being an embodiment of the Divine. This color brings healing to relationships, especially between women, as its sacred feminine nature harmonizes the connection between women.
The Medium (bright) Blue Andara Crystal color resonates to the 5th chakra and the 5th ray of healing.
The Medium (bright) Blue Andara Crystal color initiates protection on all levels surrounding one with a feeling of being safe, filled with love and being cared for on the highest level. Through this the color gives a deep sense of peace that permeates and allows one to look at the world through different eyes.
The Medium (bright) Blue Andara Crystal color cultivates acceptance that all is in perfect order and Divine timing. It releases the bonds of control, easing the whole process of transition within the different states of being. This color helps to cut all energetic connections which are no longer needed and do not serve the realization of the true being.
The Medium (bright) Blue Andara Crystal color helps to remember the true nature of oneself, connecting to the Divine will or god source energy. This forges a stronger connection with the higher self restoring the knowledge of being an embodiment of the Divine. This color brings healing to relationships, especially between women, as its sacred feminine nature harmonizes the connection between women.
The Medium (bright) Blue Andara Crystal color resonates to the 5th chakra and the 5th ray of healing.
The Indigo Andara Crystal color helps to see life from the highest perspective not the ego. This color cultivates new awareness, gives fresh insights and different ways of looking at things. It releases the need to be right or to make others wrong while amplifying the energies of compassion and acceptance
The Indigo Andara Crystal color allows one to find their way of being of service and helping. It aligns with the Divine path and plan. This color re-establishes the connection to inner integrity and/or strengthens one’s integrity. It soothes the heart, cools anger and helps to center in a place of peace and neutrality.
The Indigo Andara Crystal color resonates to the 6th chakra and the 5th and 6th Rays of Healing.
The Indigo Andara Crystal color helps to see life from the highest perspective not the ego. This color cultivates new awareness, gives fresh insights and different ways of looking at things. It releases the need to be right or to make others wrong while amplifying the energies of compassion and acceptance
The Indigo Andara Crystal color allows one to find their way of being of service and helping. It aligns with the Divine path and plan. This color re-establishes the connection to inner integrity and/or strengthens one’s integrity. It soothes the heart, cools anger and helps to center in a place of peace and neutrality.
The Indigo Andara Crystal color resonates to the 6th chakra and the 5th and 6th Rays of Healing.
The Purple Andara Crystal color helps to make manifest the full radiance and force within beyond this dimension of planet Earth. It turns chaos to calm, confusion to clarity as it expands the consciousness revealing the illusion. This color restores the power which was lost through lifetimes, removing restrictions and restraints and aligning the heart with the Divine.
The Purple Andara Crystal color brings forth supreme aspects of self realization. It initializes royalty, meaning it helps to master power through wisdom and knowing. This color clears the central channel/column or antakarana. It also supports the development of a “glove” or seal of protection, to easily move between realms or dimensions.
The Purple Andara Crystal color resonates to the 7th chakra and the 7th Ray of Healing.
What you might experience when working with this
5th Dimensional Healing Therapy/Meditation Ring
made with authentic Monatomic Andara Crystal beads
made with authentic Monatomic Andara Crystal beads
Interest in Andaras has been growing as humanity’s consciousness is expanding into the 5th dimension. They are a potent tools for profound healing, awakening and assistance in realizing our full potential within all levels and aspects of being.
Even though each person’s experience may be different - we have listed a few things which we have experienced to give you an idea of the direction and help they can provide.
Authentic Monatomic Andara Crystals can…
-Clear blockages
-Heal physical vehicle
-Remove pain
-Purify the aura
-Recalibrate the nervous system
-Open the heart
-Shift perception
-Increase vibration
-Enhance DNA
-Access light codes and define light language
-Access ancient wisdom/sacred knowledge/akashic
records for expansive understanding
-Rise above past and future and focus on present moment
-Ease and speed the ascension process
-Expand consciousness
-Empower the being
-Lead to live 5D while still in a 3D to 4D surrounding
Because the Andara Crystals are “first-matter” elements aka prima matra they possess some unique traits which many find at first unsettling and then come to crave.
They possess a very high atomic spin rate which translates as a high vibrational energy. This vibrational energy can be passed onto another object, person, place or thing when used with intention. They also mimic light photons - so they can seem to appear or disappear, in and out of existence.
-Rise above past and future and focus on present moment
-Ease and speed the ascension process
-Expand consciousness
-Empower the being
-Lead to live 5D while still in a 3D to 4D surrounding
Because the Andara Crystals are “first-matter” elements aka prima matra they possess some unique traits which many find at first unsettling and then come to crave.
They possess a very high atomic spin rate which translates as a high vibrational energy. This vibrational energy can be passed onto another object, person, place or thing when used with intention. They also mimic light photons - so they can seem to appear or disappear, in and out of existence.