made with authentic Monatomic Andara Crystal beads
but also the vibration of the set intention of this figure eight healing tool.
4 x 10mm Amber Andara Beads
Earth Star Chakra
The Earth Star chakra (often referred to as one of the subpersonal chakras) is located approximately 12-18 inches below the bottoms of the feet and is connected to the foot chakras. Also known as the “super root,” it aligns and connects the body and soul to the powerful energies within the magnetic core of planet earth. Distinct from the root chakra, which is the grounding chakra of the seven-chakra system, the earth star chakra is the grounding point for an individual’s entire extended chakra system and their relationship to the collective planet and the universe. (Imagine the roots of a tree spreading infinitely out under the earth, strongly anchored, with its trunk standing tall and shooting up into the heavens.)
This chakra is also believed to hold the keys to past lives, karmic patterns and DNA origins. The earth star chakra is responsible for making us feel deeply connected to our own energies and those of the earth and the universe.
Activities such as using the computer, running errands, working, or just going through life at a hectic pace can cause you to become ungrounded. Fully activating the earth star chakra allows you to stay fully grounded in spite of these day-to-day tasks. The earth star chakra allows spiritual healers, psychics or anyone who interacts with people to release the excess energies they pick up from others
by providing them the ability to draw from the earth’s vibrational energies to clear those unnecessary energies out.
When balanced, this chakra connects the etheric body to the physical world, creating security for the soul to fully express itself. Characteristics of an individual with a balanced earth star chakra can include feeling deeply connected to our inherent inner powers, a connection to the collective planet and the universe, seeing the big picture, working for a greater cause, peace of mind and feeling secure.
Characteristics of an individual with an unbalanced earth star chakra might include a tendency to lose balance, vertigo, eating disorders, physical problems in the lower body (legs, hips, feet, pelvic region, knees, and ankles) and circulation problems.
made with authentic Monatomic Andara Crystal beads
Interest in Andaras has been growing as humanity’s consciousness is expanding into the 5th dimension. They are a potent tools for profound healing, awakening and assistance in realizing our full potential within all levels and aspects of being.
Even though each person’s experience may be different - we have listed a few things which we have experienced to give you an idea of the direction and help they can provide.
Authentic Monatomic Andara Crystals can…
-Clear blockages
-Heal physical vehicle
-Remove pain
-Purify the aura
-Recalibrate the nervous system
-Open the heart
-Shift perception
-Increase vibration
-Enhance DNA
-Access light codes and define light language
-Access ancient wisdom/sacred knowledge/akashic
-Rise above past and future and focus on present moment
-Ease and speed the ascension process
-Expand consciousness
-Empower the being
-Lead to live 5D while still in a 3D to 4D surrounding
Because the Andara Crystals are “first-matter” elements aka prima matra they possess some unique traits which many find at first unsettling and then come to crave.
They possess a very high atomic spin rate which translates as a high vibrational energy. This vibrational energy can be passed onto another object, person, place or thing when used with intention. They also mimic light photons - so they can seem to appear or disappear, in and out of existence.
The Amber Andara Crystal color is empowering, helping to meet challenges with an open heart and calm mind. This color brings clarity, certainty and purpose paving the road for success in the endeavors one chooses to take.
It leads to one’s truth path or calling, highlighting choices which reflect the highest good and removing obstacles.
The Amber Andara Crystal color provides mental and emotional strength, soothing the lower chakras. This color releases emotional charges, past life memories and clears denied aspects to connect to inner wisdom. It fortifies the connection between mind, heart and soul - so fuller expression can be realized.
The Amber Andara Crystal color resonates to the 2nd chakra and the 2nd Ray of Healing.
The Brown Andara Crystal color promotes a secure and comforting energy. It helps to center and align to the grounding force which is ever present within the being. This color helps one to feel at home in the body, honoring the vehicle in which we are residing, in a state of comfort and even safety.
The Brown Andara Crystal color sets a strong foundational energy to encourage growth and transformation. It not only guides one to realizing the original nature and state but amplifies the courage needed to see our true nature. This color opens us to see new perspectives and dive into the pool of unlimitlessness which we came from.
The Brown Andara Crystal color clears old energies and for some can help to relieve pain be it physical, mental or emotional. It creates an atmosphere of peace by finding the resonating energy in all people, places and spaces and amplifying that energy. In that way, it makes it an ideal tool when working with others or groups, amplifying the commonality and helping to reach successful outcomes.
The Brown Andara Crystal color resonates to the Earth Star chakra and can help to connect and strengthen the connection.
BROWN - HONEY (color changing)
This andara has multi colors.
It appears a golden brown, a pinkish brown, a purplish brown and a greenish brown
while color changing to green.
We are using the name Honey Brown, at least for now, to describe it.
The Honey Brown Andara Crystal is extremely balancing and harmonizing on all levels/ aspects / bodies / systems including the inner masculine/feminine. This color helps to remove polarities within oneself and one’s views. It helps to assimilate energies to use them to their full potential without any energetic “bumps” or challenges. This eases the whole process of integration.
The Honey Brown Andara Crystal color heals wherever the healing needs to take place - be it mental, emotional, physical or spiritual. This color allows for all transformation to be based in love - simplifying one‘s perception and outlook. It creates an inner warmth removing depression, need to speculate and other forms of self created suffering. It removes hindrances which blocks the Divine nature / authentic self to shine through.
The Honey Brown Andara Crystal color balances the chakras, focusing on the chakra(s) needing the most assistance. This color offers a full spectrum healing as it resonates to all the chakra colors including the earth star and soul star chakras. It works on the root causes of illness considering all aspects of the issue/challenge initiating a truly holistic healing.