Violet Purple Rainbow Fluorite Therapeutic Necklace
Extraordinary Plus Plus
24.5 inch endless/fits over head
290.4ct @$2.50/ct
Actual necklace shown in photos
only one available
We want to make clear that everyone, interested in purchasing a solid strand of Violet Purple / Purple Rainbow Fluorite, has to take full responsibility and we advise to work only under highest guidance to not harm bodies and/or systems.
For the ones being called to work at times with this gem,
it will be a powerful and most valuable tool on the path to higher vibrations and expanded consciousness.
It draws in the Violet Flame of transmutation - removing blockages and hindering energies. It also attracts the magenta ray of fellowship and love based action - bringing forth a manifesting of our higher spiritual selves filled with universal love.
It is a powerful tool with a gem combination that alters perceptions. It should be
used with intent and awareness. Ease yourself into using it - starting with an hour or two - so you can see and feel it’s effects. Then build your way up if needed/desired or just continue with an hour or two of input. Great companion during meditation.
Choosing: One has to be guided strongly through the higher aspects of Self
or a given Master while being directed to the strand assisting the best.
Purple Rainbow Fluorite by itself is so strong that when used - not in alignment with highest guidance - can upset, disturb and confuse energies profoundly. This could ultimately reach the point of creating disease in any of the aspects/bodies.
Using: In most - nearly all cases - Violet Purple /Purple Rainbow Fluorite as a solid strand will and has to be used only in very short time spans with full attention to its workings - like in meditation. It is certainly not advised to use the strand over night while asleep - there is no monitoring on its effects. While working with this gem one will fast come to know that "less is more". Usually after a session with Violet Purple / Purple Rainbow Fluorite, one needs days of integration before the next session can be approached.
The Guardian of Purple Rainbow Fluorite explains...
Purple Rainbow Fluorite is a gem that enhances the spiritual approach to life. Spiritually, the many people of Earth have reached a plateau and need to change to progress further. The natural drive within one is to change.
Take the physical aspect as an example. It begins as a baby and through changes it grows, all through natural drive and motion. The spiritual aspect has the same natural drive but is often denied. Focus is diverted to other aspects because the spiritual aspect requires the deepest changes of all.
Purple Rainbow Fluorite removes the denial of the natural drive allowing for a new approach to be taken. At some point in the future, the majority will have a new approach but at the present time, the denial is very strong. Because of this, it is recommended that the ones who choose to work with this gem are full of strength and courage not sustained by what the outside thinks. The new approach requires one to break away from the "masses" and forge the way for the "masses" to follow later.
Purple Rainbow Fluorite works strongly on the nervous system as that is the means in which higher frequencies that support the spiritual approach are distributed throughout the body.
It also works strongly on the mental aspect to clear away the patterns created by the long term denial. These are generalities of how Purple Rainbow Fluorite works on the aspects. It will target denial however one has chosen to manifest it to free the natural drive to spiritually move forward.
How to keep your necklace clean
Our preferred method of cleansing for the necklaces is using the Purple Positive Energy Plate. This plate not only cleanses but enlivens the gems to their optimal functioning.
More importantly - it is easy. You place the gems on the plate overnight and you have a newly energized necklace - ready to bring the utmost benefit to you. There is no concern of which gem can tolerate sunlight, which one can be in the water and which one can survive salt. All gems can be placed on the plate and be cleansed.
We offer Purple positive Energy Plates in two sizes -
small 4.5" x 2.75"
large 12" x 12"
We also offer a cleaning kit which includes a small purple plate and a cleaning brush.