Frosted Quartz Chakra Spinal Mat / Long Band
5th Dimensional Healing
made with authentic Monatomic Andara Crystal beads
This mat is the ideal healing tool for the chakras and the chakra column. We have paired Therapeutic Frosted Quartz with Therapeutic Andara Crystal beads in colors resonating to the 7 main chakras within the body system.
This combination creates an easy way to balance and align the chakras while instantly raising one's frequency.
The mat does not have to lay exactly on the chakras themselves as the chakra colors will gravitate naturally to the chakras themselves.
37inch long x 1.25 inch wide
Made with Therapeutic 12mm Frosted Quartz Beads
Paired with Therapeutic 10mm Andara Beads
at segment "joints"
(see below for more info on the different colors of Andara Crystal)
Frosted Quartz amplifies the energies within that are harmonious bringing out
the best of us in order to correct or realign those areas which are not
harmonious. It has a great affinity to the physical aspect and makes it a
wonderful choice of gem for this tool.
the best of us in order to correct or realign those areas which are not
harmonious. It has a great affinity to the physical aspect and makes it a
wonderful choice of gem for this tool.
Some of the effects of the Frosted Quartz mat that users have shared...
opened the door for feeling the gemstone vibration
restores sense of balance
helps to connect with higher self
gives a sense of centered-ness
attunes inner flow
helps to gain more clarity
gently increases energy
This mat can be used intuitively, placing were balance and harmony
needs to be restored.
Some General Info
These Therapeutic Mats were originally created as a spinal treatment but have evolved into a powerful short time application tool used on various parts of the body.
Not only can the mat be placed along the spine, it can be folded in half and placed on lower back, draped over the shoulders, set over the head, placed under the feet, wrapped around a specific body part - like elbow, knee, etc., held during meditation or placed in the bath tub while filling.
It is recommended to use for a time frame of 15-45 minutes starting out slow and building up to longer time amounts.
These Therapeutic Mats were originally created as a spinal treatment but have evolved into a powerful short time application tool used on various parts of the body.
Not only can the mat be placed along the spine, it can be folded in half and placed on lower back, draped over the shoulders, set over the head, placed under the feet, wrapped around a specific body part - like elbow, knee, etc., held during meditation or placed in the bath tub while filling.
It is recommended to use for a time frame of 15-45 minutes starting out slow and building up to longer time amounts.
The mats are a strong amount of input so use your guidance.
The Red Andara Crystal color is deeply empowering and brings positive action into motion. It opens one to change and transformation aligned with supporting the true nature of being. This color provides a deep balance and grounding to the core.
The Red Andara Crystal color transmutes and releases old patterns and limiting beliefs. It removes blame, shame, guilt, grief and fear. This color creates a protective shield like force through its inner purification of one’s own power.
The Red Andara Crystal color creates a foundation for spontaneity and high creativity. It removes any cautious nature or forms of manipulation for freedom filled relating and experiencing. This color helps to reclaim the sexual nature, healing any issues in this direction.
The Red Andara Crystal color resonates to the 1st chakra and the 1st Ray of Healing.
The Red Andara Crystal color is deeply empowering and brings positive action into motion. It opens one to change and transformation aligned with supporting the true nature of being. This color provides a deep balance and grounding to the core.
The Red Andara Crystal color transmutes and releases old patterns and limiting beliefs. It removes blame, shame, guilt, grief and fear. This color creates a protective shield like force through its inner purification of one’s own power.
The Red Andara Crystal color creates a foundation for spontaneity and high creativity. It removes any cautious nature or forms of manipulation for freedom filled relating and experiencing. This color helps to reclaim the sexual nature, healing any issues in this direction.
The Red Andara Crystal color resonates to the 1st chakra and the 1st Ray of Healing.
The Orange Andara Crystal color establishes a foundation for gratitude and seeing all of life through the eyes of gratitude. It amplifies joy and happiness and helps to see without judgment. This color restores optimism, develops self respect and increases warm heartedness.
The Orange Andara Crystal color supports creativity and stimulates true expression of the self. It restores spontaneity and helps to connect with the Divine flow. This color helps to release the need to plan and control opening the doors to free expression in every moment.
The Orange Andara Crystal color helps to rewrite perspectives and approaches to relationships and intimacy. It harmonizes the inner gut and aids in gentle digestion.
The Orange Andara Crystal color resonates to the 2nd chakra and the 2nd Ray of Healing.
The Orange Andara Crystal color establishes a foundation for gratitude and seeing all of life through the eyes of gratitude. It amplifies joy and happiness and helps to see without judgment. This color restores optimism, develops self respect and increases warm heartedness.
The Orange Andara Crystal color supports creativity and stimulates true expression of the self. It restores spontaneity and helps to connect with the Divine flow. This color helps to release the need to plan and control opening the doors to free expression in every moment.
The Orange Andara Crystal color helps to rewrite perspectives and approaches to relationships and intimacy. It harmonizes the inner gut and aids in gentle digestion.
The Orange Andara Crystal color resonates to the 2nd chakra and the 2nd Ray of Healing.
The Yellow Andara Crystal attracts and draws in light to the bodies and systems. This color is highly uplifting and illuminating while awakening confidence and self-esteem. It restores optimism and helps to stay open to life and all it’s experiences with more cheerfulness/happiness.
The Yellow Andara Crystal clears the mind, strengthens awareness and brings alertness. This color helps to integrate energies and life lessons making it easier to process, releasing resistance. It stimulates original thought, new ideas and inspires inquisitiveness developing more wisdom.
The Yellow Andara Crystal color resonates to the 3rd chakra and the 3rd Ray of Healing.
The Yellow Andara Crystal attracts and draws in light to the bodies and systems. This color is highly uplifting and illuminating while awakening confidence and self-esteem. It restores optimism and helps to stay open to life and all it’s experiences with more cheerfulness/happiness.
The Yellow Andara Crystal clears the mind, strengthens awareness and brings alertness. This color helps to integrate energies and life lessons making it easier to process, releasing resistance. It stimulates original thought, new ideas and inspires inquisitiveness developing more wisdom.
The Yellow Andara Crystal color resonates to the 3rd chakra and the 3rd Ray of Healing.
The Light Green Andara Crystal color holds a highly transmuting energy which strongly aids in being more receptive and open. This color helps one to see the own radiance and expands the consciousness. It accelerates the move through any hindering or resisting forces holding one back from living in 5D reality. This would include overcoming addictions of all types, addictive traits, patterns, programs and conditionings.
The Light Green Andara Crystal color clears and purifies the being of illusion especially those of limitation. This color releases cowardice, conflict and fear and helps to let go of any struggles and suffering. It can also heighten one’s perception to help see sacred energies such as the sacred flames (violet flame, three fold flame, and so on).
The Light Green Andara Crystal color resonates to the 4th chakra and the 4th ray of healing.
The Light Green Andara Crystal color holds a highly transmuting energy which strongly aids in being more receptive and open. This color helps one to see the own radiance and expands the consciousness. It accelerates the move through any hindering or resisting forces holding one back from living in 5D reality. This would include overcoming addictions of all types, addictive traits, patterns, programs and conditionings.
The Light Green Andara Crystal color clears and purifies the being of illusion especially those of limitation. This color releases cowardice, conflict and fear and helps to let go of any struggles and suffering. It can also heighten one’s perception to help see sacred energies such as the sacred flames (violet flame, three fold flame, and so on).
The Light Green Andara Crystal color resonates to the 4th chakra and the 4th ray of healing.
The Light (bright) Blue Andara Crystal color brings a very calming energy to it allowing for stress to fall away with ease and grace. This color helps one to align to selfless love and inspires a helpful nature to be at the forefront in all actions. It creates an inner ease which makes it easier to face challenges and any obstacles in whatever form they may take.
The Light (bright) Blue Andara Crystal color balances and activates the throat chakra supporting the expression and the speaking of truth. This will help to have healthy relationships and partnerships as it opens the doors of honest communication. This color deeply helps to stay open and integrate openness to new levels in realizing the individual potential. It will help to align with the inner source consciousness or higher self, helping to fully embody that force.
The Light (bright) Blue Andara Crystal color removes cellular memories that have shaped and/or hindered, caused hurt or wounds or created a trauma or victim consciousness. This brings in more light, raising the light quotient and initiating a higher level of freedom.
The Light (bright) Blue Andara Crystal color resonates to the 5th chakra and the 5th ray of healing.
The Light (bright) Blue Andara Crystal color brings a very calming energy to it allowing for stress to fall away with ease and grace. This color helps one to align to selfless love and inspires a helpful nature to be at the forefront in all actions. It creates an inner ease which makes it easier to face challenges and any obstacles in whatever form they may take.
The Light (bright) Blue Andara Crystal color balances and activates the throat chakra supporting the expression and the speaking of truth. This will help to have healthy relationships and partnerships as it opens the doors of honest communication. This color deeply helps to stay open and integrate openness to new levels in realizing the individual potential. It will help to align with the inner source consciousness or higher self, helping to fully embody that force.
The Light (bright) Blue Andara Crystal color removes cellular memories that have shaped and/or hindered, caused hurt or wounds or created a trauma or victim consciousness. This brings in more light, raising the light quotient and initiating a higher level of freedom.
The Light (bright) Blue Andara Crystal color resonates to the 5th chakra and the 5th ray of healing.
The Indigo Andara Crystal color helps to see life from the highest perspective not the ego. This color cultivates new awareness, gives fresh insights and different ways of looking at things. It releases the need to be right or to make others wrong while amplifying the energies of compassion and acceptance
The Indigo Andara Crystal color allows one to find their way of being of service and helping. It aligns with the Divine path and plan. This color re-establishes the connection to inner integrity and/or strengthens one’s integrity. It soothes the heart, cools anger and helps to center in a place of peace and neutrality.
The Indigo Andara Crystal color resonates to the 6th chakra and the 5th and 6th Rays of Healing.
The Indigo Andara Crystal color helps to see life from the highest perspective not the ego. This color cultivates new awareness, gives fresh insights and different ways of looking at things. It releases the need to be right or to make others wrong while amplifying the energies of compassion and acceptance
The Indigo Andara Crystal color allows one to find their way of being of service and helping. It aligns with the Divine path and plan. This color re-establishes the connection to inner integrity and/or strengthens one’s integrity. It soothes the heart, cools anger and helps to center in a place of peace and neutrality.
The Indigo Andara Crystal color resonates to the 6th chakra and the 5th and 6th Rays of Healing.
The Purple Andara Crystal color helps to make manifest the full radiance and force within beyond this dimension of planet Earth. It turns chaos to calm, confusion to clarity as it expands the consciousness revealing the illusion. This color restores the power which was lost through lifetimes, removing restrictions and restraints and aligning the heart with the Divine.
The Purple Andara Crystal color brings forth supreme aspects of self realization. It initializes royalty, meaning it helps to master power through wisdom and knowing. This color clears the central channel/column or antakarana. It also supports the development of a “glove” or seal of protection, to easily move between realms or dimensions.
The Purple Andara Crystal color resonates to the 7th chakra and the 7th Ray of Healing.
What you might experience when working with this
5th Dimensional Healing Therapy/Meditation Ring
made with authentic Monatomic Andara Crystal beads
made with authentic Monatomic Andara Crystal beads
Interest in Andaras has been growing as humanity’s consciousness is expanding into the 5th dimension. They are a potent tools for profound healing, awakening and assistance in realizing our full potential within all levels and aspects of being.
Even though each person’s experience may be different - we have listed a few things which we have experienced to give you an idea of the direction and help they can provide.
Authentic Monatomic Andara Crystals can…
-Clear blockages
-Heal physical vehicle
-Remove pain
-Purify the aura
-Recalibrate the nervous system
-Open the heart
-Shift perception
-Increase vibration
-Enhance DNA
-Access light codes and define light language
-Access ancient wisdom/sacred knowledge/akashic
records for expansive understanding
-Rise above past and future and focus on present moment
-Ease and speed the ascension process
-Expand consciousness
-Empower the being
-Lead to live 5D while still in a 3D to 4D surrounding
Because the Andara Crystals are “first-matter” elements aka prima matra they possess some unique traits which many find at first unsettling and then come to crave.
They possess a very high atomic spin rate which translates as a high vibrational energy. This vibrational energy can be passed onto another object, person, place or thing when used with intention. They also mimic light photons - so they can seem to appear or disappear, in and out of existence.
-Rise above past and future and focus on present moment
-Ease and speed the ascension process
-Expand consciousness
-Empower the being
-Lead to live 5D while still in a 3D to 4D surrounding
Because the Andara Crystals are “first-matter” elements aka prima matra they possess some unique traits which many find at first unsettling and then come to crave.
They possess a very high atomic spin rate which translates as a high vibrational energy. This vibrational energy can be passed onto another object, person, place or thing when used with intention. They also mimic light photons - so they can seem to appear or disappear, in and out of existence.