Mother of Pearl Liquid Gem /Vibrational Essence
Mother of Pearl Properties
The Guardian of Mother of Pearl explains...
Mother of Pearl brings a deep sense of comfort and protection being of great use to many during times of rapid change (like now). Mother of Pearl balances emotional disharmonies and helps to see situations in a different light. Just as you would call a good friend when you've had a lousy day for comfort/consoling, this gem becomes that good friend and internally offers the same.
Mother of Pearl offers a protection field that shields one from the radiation given off by TVs.
This is an especially good tool for children as they are often unaware of how close they stay by the TV not to mention how long they watch (unless monitored).
Mother of Pearl is of tremendous value in exploring and resolving childhood issues. Much of the patterns for dealing with life situations are developed when one is young and often the approach is out of date or simply not of benefit. To respond to life for one's highest good it is best to evaluate often to avoid formulating or continuing negative patterns.
Mother of Pearl gives the courage to do just that and creates positive approaches.
Mother of Pearl is an invaluable tool when dealing with inner child issues, abuse, abandonment, rejection, self-confidence, self-esteem, etc. It restores a loving balance within that outer situations do not cause a shifting away from the center.
Because the Mother of Pearl strongly affects the patterns established in childhood, it is also a wonderful tool for children to avoid patterns from being developed in the first place.
This gem holds a loving space for the child to exist in regardless of what is occurring outside.
Mother of Pearl restores the element of vulnerability without having to sacrifice or compromise.
Vulnerability is the key to being open and the more open; the closer one is to the pure essence within.

3-5 times a day 7 drops (under the tongue) or
2 sprayer squirts (under the tongue) for healing purposes
and/or 12 drops (under the tongue) or
3 sprayer squirts (under the tongue) before meditation
For Liquids & Sprays:
Give as much time as possible after intake to sit or stand
with closed eyes to feel consciously their vibration unfold
Additional Uses for all liquids and sprays:
Apply directly to pulse points
Apply to acupressure and/or chakra points
Add to massage oils
Add to oil burners
Add to an atomizer or atomizer to add to the air
Add to paint or pottery or other art elements
to infuse the vibration within