Extraordinary plus plus
7.83g @ $1.50/g
Ring is shown next to a US quarter coin which is 24mm.
You will receive the ring pictured.
- Black Onyx can be useful in healing old wounds or past life issues
- It absorbs and transforms negative energy, and helps to prevent the drain
of personal energy
- Black Onyx heals grief that has gone on too long. It helps you to
understand that there is no death by enhancing your understanding of the
wheel of birth, death and rebirth.
-Black Onyx is a strength-giving stone and can provide support for
self-discipline issues
-Imparts self-confidence, helping you to be at ease in your surroundings
Black Onyx is a gem of support and strength for the being. Its energies target the core (or base) restoring balance within one's foundation of being. The stability this gem provides allows one to "deal" with all kinds of life situations. It builds/rebuilds personal strength, self-esteem and confidence.
Black Onyx is known as a gem to help overcome addictions because of this. One experiences such strong stability and strength within that the need to escape through other means is no longer needed (such as smoking, drinking, etc.).
Black Onyx also expands its energies through the chakras of the midsection and throat. It restores the balance facilitating an even stronger awareness of the presence of one's being. An energetic harmony is created through the chakras which receive whatever inputs needed (frequencies, vibrations, and/or colors) to maintain the balance.
Black Onyx's effects translate over to all aspects of one's being. The mental has direction, the emotions are stable and one feels in alignment not only with one's Self but with the world and beyond.
Black Onyx is a great gem for those who explore or work with high frequencies, dimensions, etc. as it provides the perfect counterbalance.