Clear (white) Opalesence
Monatomic Andara Crystal Vibrational Essence
5th Dimensional Healing
made from authentic Monatomic Andara Crystal beads
Because the colors bring an added dimension to the healing received - color summaries have been created, listed below, to help in the selection or perhaps help to understand why drawn to a certain color. It should be understood that regardless of color - the Andara crystal share a frequency since they are all carry the monatomic elements - conveying super potent healing and help. The color - is an added bonus to the healing.
Because the colors bring an added dimension to the healing received - color summaries have been created, listed below, to help in the selection or perhaps help to understand why drawn to a certain color. It should be understood that regardless of color - the Andara crystal share a frequency since they are all carry the monatomic elements - conveying super potent healing and help. The color - is an added bonus to the healing.
It should be noted that between color hues, for example blues, greens, etc., there will be overlaps in the helping traits. Rather than give very general information on the individual colors we chose to distinguish between the slight variances of hues to perhaps fine tune and focus the healing process.
The Clear/white Opalesence Andara Crystal color provides a full spectrum focus on embodying all facets of self and of our limitless state. This color creates a funnel of Source / Divine Energy restoring the awareness of Divine flow in life. It contains pure love/light energy attracting it and radiating it.
The Clear/white Opalesence Andara Crystal color allows for an easy bridge to higher energies aiding in anchoring the higher self. This color is particularly good for blocks, relieving the feeling of being stuck and gentle cleansing. It cleanses all bodies from issues regardless of where it originated. For example, if something has manifested on the physical it will not only help heal it on the physical but will cleanse and clear the emotional/mental bodies of where it might of originated for total resolution.
The Clear/white Opalesence Andara Crystal color introduces the “play” of life and gives direction on how to master it. This colors reveals the patterns and programs running so one can discern what is one’s truth and what is projected or imprinted. It expands consciousness.
The Clear/white Opalesence Andara Crystal color mirrors many of the attributes of the Clear Andara Crystal color but is much easier to assimilate as it is muted through the Opalesence.
What you might experience when working with this
Monatomic Andara Crystal Vibrational Essence
Interest in Andaras has been growing as humanity’s consciousness is expanding into the 5th dimension. They are a potent tools for profound healing, awakening and assistance in realizing our full potential within all levels and aspects of being.
Even though each person’s experience may be different - we have listed a few things which we have experienced to give you an idea of the direction and help they can provide.
Interest in Andaras has been growing as humanity’s consciousness is expanding into the 5th dimension. They are a potent tools for profound healing, awakening and assistance in realizing our full potential within all levels and aspects of being.
Even though each person’s experience may be different - we have listed a few things which we have experienced to give you an idea of the direction and help they can provide.
Authentic Monatomic Andara Crystals can…
-Clear blockages
-Heal physical vehicle
-Remove pain
-Purify the aura
-Recalibrate the nervous system
-Open the heart
-Shift perception
-Increase vibration
-Enhance DNA
-Access light codes and define light language
-Access ancient wisdom/sacred knowledge/akashic
records for expansive understanding
-Rise above past and future and focus on present moment
-Ease and speed the ascension process
-Expand consciousness
-Empower the being
-Lead to live 5D while still in a 3D to 4D surrounding
Because the Andara Crystals are “first-matter” elements aka prima matra they possess some unique traits which many find at first unsettling and then come to crave.
They possess a very high atomic spin rate which translates as a high vibrational energy. This vibrational energy can be passed onto another object, person, place or thing when used with intention. They also mimic light photons - so they can seem to appear or disappear, in and out of existence.
-Rise above past and future and focus on present moment
-Ease and speed the ascension process
-Expand consciousness
-Empower the being
-Lead to live 5D while still in a 3D to 4D surrounding
Because the Andara Crystals are “first-matter” elements aka prima matra they possess some unique traits which many find at first unsettling and then come to crave.
They possess a very high atomic spin rate which translates as a high vibrational energy. This vibrational energy can be passed onto another object, person, place or thing when used with intention. They also mimic light photons - so they can seem to appear or disappear, in and out of existence.

The Andara Crystal Liquids are available in several sizes including refill bottles. Select from the pull down menu your desired bottle type and size.
3-5 times a day 7 drops (under the tongue) or
2 sprayer squirts (under the tongue) for healing purposes
and/or 12 drops (under the tongue) or
3 sprayer squirts (under the tongue) before meditation
For Liquids & Sprays:
Give as much time as possible after intake to sit or stand
with closed eyes to feel consciously their vibration unfold
Additional Uses for all liquids and sprays:
Apply directly to pulse points
Apply to acupressure and/or chakra points
Add to massage oils
Add to oil burners
Add to an atomizer or atomizer to add to the air
Add to paint or pottery or other art elements
to infuse the vibration within
3-5 times a day 7 drops (under the tongue) or
2 sprayer squirts (under the tongue) for healing purposes
and/or 12 drops (under the tongue) or
3 sprayer squirts (under the tongue) before meditation
For Liquids & Sprays:
Give as much time as possible after intake to sit or stand
with closed eyes to feel consciously their vibration unfold
Additional Uses for all liquids and sprays:
Apply directly to pulse points
Apply to acupressure and/or chakra points
Add to massage oils
Add to oil burners
Add to an atomizer or atomizer to add to the air
Add to paint or pottery or other art elements
to infuse the vibration within