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Phosphosiderite Essence - Tools4transformation

Phosphosiderite Essence

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Phosphosiderite Liquid Gem /Vibrational Essence
Phosphosiderite Properties 
The Guardian of Phosphosiderite explains...
This gem tends to have more of a spiritual nature first allowing benefits to realize and make manifest the best possible expression of one’s self.
It connects to the “glue” of the universe - love - and through a love based vibration allows one to unfold with the personal understanding needed to progress and master this planet/plane.     
The healing brought about is based on a deeper recognition of Source through the gem. So, the experiences one may encounter could be quite different from one individual to another - since we all are coming from different points/approaches - yet the end result will be the same – self-realization. It is great for all, regardless of where one is on the path - beginner or initiate.     
It can also unveil chakra issues giving greater insight to the issues within the chakras which may be hindering or holding us back from our true nature. It supports one to have the courage to look at or admit to the existing issues, which in itself is half the battle and continues to assist in making necessary changes.
Phosphosiderite not only aids in the relationship with the self but can definitely help in harmonizing with others. It is soothing and washes away anger, resentment, and judgment, making way for easier recognition of the Oneness wherever we look. Through this, our consciousness is expanded giving greater tolerance for all, increasing compassion and honoring individuality.     
It can be a powerful tool for group or event leaders, bosses or heads of families as it helps to harmonize or brings forth harmonizing energies through the wearer/user.       
Regardless of its spiritual inclination, it does have some definite physical healing properties. It heals ulcers, hives, rashes and other disruptions especially reactive in nature. It can aid in sleeping disorders of all kinds. It can also help regulate blood pressure and ease digestive issues. It aids in overcoming grief and depression while restoring optimism. 
Liquid gems are available in several sizes including refill bottles
select from the pull down menu your desired bottle type and size

3-5 times a day 7 drops (under the tongue) or
2 sprayer squirts (under the tongue) for healing purposes
and/or 12 drops (under the tongue) or
3 sprayer squirts (under the tongue) before meditation

For Liquids & Sprays:
Give as much time as possible after intake to sit or stand
with closed eyes to feel consciously their vibration unfold

Additional Uses for all liquids and sprays:
Apply directly to pulse points
Apply to acupressure and/or chakra points
Add to massage oils
Add to oil burners
Add to an atomizer or atomizer to add to the air
Add to paint or pottery or other art elements
to infuse the vibration within