Extraordinary plus plus
10.50ct @ $6.50/ct
gel-ly like translucency with barely visible white bands
usually characteristic of Rhodochrosite
Ring is shown next to a US quarter coin which is 24mm.
You will receive the ring pictured.
helps to stabilize blood pressure
can help with migraines and chronic headaches
balances thyroid issues
neutralizes inflammation
eases nervous system imbalances
soothes skin irritation
removes negative thinking cycles
eases stress and anxiety
uplifts removing depression
restores spontaneity and playfulness
improves self worth and confidence
supports creativity
helps to face emotional imbalances
promotes self forgiveness
erases self sabotaging practices
excellant support for inner child work
amplifies compassion
helps attune to higher self
strongly links to divine feminine
opens to universal love force
gives insight into soul contracts
Rhodochrosite is another one of those gems which has been newly activated and
align so that we may all heal emotionally to move forward with less effort into the
5th dimension. Rhodochrosite works in the emotional aspect or field. Many
consider it a strong gem which originates from what it does but it actually is a true
ally for clearing the emotional.
parts we avoid to look at - the things that make us most stuck because we don't
really want to face them as we know deep down change is needed. It takes
courage and a will to want to change to use this gem because it does not allow for
sugar coating to exist. Many say they want to change yet they continue to do the
same things and expect different results. Rhodochrosite doesn't really allow the
space to do this - it just gets in there and starts to work. This working makes one
instantly feel different, which in turn places the user in a state that is different and
therefore it gets the reference "strong".
Rhodochrosite brings forth the sweetness of love - soothing the wounds as hurt is
brought to the surface for release. It is an awesome support for those who are
dedicated to their personal transformation path and want to really remove layers
of hindering energies built up through this lifetime and others. It is also beneficial to
those who do earth work or are way-showers - to bring in this emotional clearing
energy to wipe away the drama, superficial-ness and lack of authenticity. It sets
the groundwork for the authentic self and higher mind to radiate forth -
manifesting our Divinity.
Rhodochrosite is a gem for those who want to respond to life's situations rather than react. It raises the user’s vibration to a higher level bringing one more in alignment with the true essence (higher self) while assisting to maintain this level. Through this, the emotional patterns being not of a higher vibration break up. Rhodochrosite not only initiates but does clearing of the emotional aspect.
For many, the emotional body is a place to shove the things that have been denied or avoided. This "storage" creates an automated response (pattern) for dealing with situations. This is often not in alignment with one's true essence (higher self). This gem simply clears out the storage and the "memory" or typical reaction is no longer available to access. Because of this clearing of the emotional aspect, several people experience Rhodochrosite as a strong gem.
Prior to the influence of this gem, one could easily react - just grabbing the "memory" from the emotional memory bank. In using Rhodochrosite one must experience each situation as new and "figure out" how to act. Some find this disturbing since it involves change and demands flexibility. In reality, though - it is the natural way of being. Society has programmed many to "be safe" and to have a plan of action. This has been adapted to the emotional aspect and a programmed response has been created for a variety of situations. The actual joy and freedom that comes with spontaneity have been stripped away, lessening one's full experience of life.
Rhodochrosite works strongly on the emotional aspect which creates secondary effects on the physical. An increase in energy is experienced since one isn't tied down to a certain way of being. A soothing of the skin occurs since emotional reactions tend to show themselves on the skin (such as breakouts). A balancing of the digestive system especially the stomach occurs because the denial of one’s emotions often creates an upset stomach. Some lose weight through the clearing/removal of the stuck holding emotional patterns.
The physical effects can be numerous depending on how the emotional memory has translated and down stepped into the body. Rhodochrosite restores one's natural emotional spontaneity. It allows one to fully experience each situation as new, giving the freedom to respond in any direction one feels in the moment.
This freedom opens the door to a whole new way of living, full of energy, fresh and exuberant. The game of life becomes fun again since it turns into an adventure instead of a programmed outcome.