Extraordinary plus
10.15ct @ $4.85/ct
Ring is shown next to a US quarter coin which is 24mm.
You will receive the ring pictured.
Some of the highlights of Clear Topaz
Recharges being
Enhances memory
Aids in pain relief
Helps eliminate headaches and migraines
Provides optimal functioning for organs of sense - eyes, ears, nose, throat and mouth
(*can be used to restore sense of smell - especially if caused by virus)
Soothes skin issues of all types
Strengthens hair and nails - mimicking collagen effects
Brings clarity
Enhances focus
Builds confidence
Creates stability
Removes doubt
Helps to accomplish goals
Provides inspiration
Enhances creativity
Helps to overcome addictions
Removes fear
Clears negativity
Soothes unease
Fortifies courage
Cultivates forgiveness
Alleviates depression and grief
Aids in recognition of karmic issues
Helps interpet dreams and astral experiences
Expands consciousness
Connects with soul star chakra
Bridges to other dimensions
Amplifies manifestation intentions
Increases awareness
Clear energetic blockages
The Guardian of Clear Topaz explains…
Clear Topaz removes the hindering influences effecting the pathway of living your authentic self - helping to make manifest one’s individual pure being. It amplifies one’s sense of individuality heightening the unique creative aspect one possesses and brings it to the forefront. It boost personal trust and confidence providing a strong foundation in which to blossom from and follow universal flow.
Clear Topaz assists in realizing the Oneness we all share and feeling the connection we have with all realms/dimensions of being. Everyone has this connection to the dimensions be it higher or beyond the planet earth and Clear Topaz helps to see this perception and then utilize the knowledge to reach new levels of self awareness.
Clear Topaz creates an easy bridge for light to enter one’s being and creates ways to better maintain high levels of light. It transforms negative energy to energies which are most benefiting for harmony and balance such as light and love. More energetic opening occurs on all levels allowing one to become more in alignment with the original blueprint (design). It also creates a magnetic energy around it to attract what is needed for growth and to support manifestation.
Clear Topaz also supports higher levels of health giving insight as to where dis-harmonies lie within the physical structure and supports the “reboot” of areas which are mis-functioning. It helps to create the body as temple and allow for a strong physical vehicle to be realized and enjoyed.