Light Pink Tourmaline Liquid Gem /Vibrational Essence
Light Pink Tourmaline Properties
The Guardian of Pink Tourmaline explains...
Pink Tourmaline is a gem containing the feminine vibration.
When worn (or used) it offers a renewing of one's feminine within (men) or refreshing of one's feminine output (women). The role of the feminine vibration has been greatly distorted on planet Earth due to the fact that it is mainly based on unconscious love. Pink Tourmaline assists in restoring this vibration within one's being so it will, in turn, be restored consciously on the planet.
The Guardian of Pink Tourmaline explains...
Pink Tourmaline is a gem containing the feminine vibration.
When worn (or used) it offers a renewing of one's feminine within (men) or refreshing of one's feminine output (women). The role of the feminine vibration has been greatly distorted on planet Earth due to the fact that it is mainly based on unconscious love. Pink Tourmaline assists in restoring this vibration within one's being so it will, in turn, be restored consciously on the planet.
Due to the distortion of the feminine vibration, many women experience difficulties with their natural feminine nature. These difficulties are most commonly seen on the emotional and physical levels.
On the emotional level, women question their role and allow the treatment of the feminine vibration on Earth to show the answer. This leads to a grave misinterpretation and women concede that their power and worth are below their actual standing (self-worth issues and victim-consciousness). Pink Tourmaline can assist one to experience the feminine vibration first hand and inspire it to come forth in its pure form via one's own feminine spirit. This process originally based in emotions can also enhance one's spiritual experience by freeing the feminine spirit within, bringing one closer to one's true being.
On a physical level, Pink Tourmaline offers healing energies to the sexual organs.
The distorted view of the feminine vibration has directly affected the entire internal feminine cycle and has thrown it off course within many. This has manifested mainly in 4 ways.
1. The monthly women's cycle has turned from a joyous ritual of vitality to an inconvenient pain.
2. The birthing process has gone from a peaceful introduction into Earth's life to an instant separation and fear-laden event.
3. The evolutional process of one's organs from birthing life to birthing knowledge/wisdom has been halted completely (through the removal of one's key organ - hysterectomy).
4. The most prominent physical attribute of femininity, the breast, has become saturated with the disease.
Pink Tourmaline can be used to affect all these situations.
It restores a balance within the sexual organs to experience the natural flow and ease of how things were designed. It is a gem that can assist one with any discomfort surrounding one's monthly cycle. It can connect one to the natural way of birthing and restore a joyous experience of it. It can supply the needed aspects of maintaining the feminine organs, healing abnormalities and cancer or encourage the natural fertile nature one possesses.
The distorted view of the feminine vibration has directly affected the entire internal feminine cycle and has thrown it off course within many. This has manifested mainly in 4 ways.
1. The monthly women's cycle has turned from a joyous ritual of vitality to an inconvenient pain.
2. The birthing process has gone from a peaceful introduction into Earth's life to an instant separation and fear-laden event.
3. The evolutional process of one's organs from birthing life to birthing knowledge/wisdom has been halted completely (through the removal of one's key organ - hysterectomy).
4. The most prominent physical attribute of femininity, the breast, has become saturated with the disease.
Pink Tourmaline can be used to affect all these situations.
It restores a balance within the sexual organs to experience the natural flow and ease of how things were designed. It is a gem that can assist one with any discomfort surrounding one's monthly cycle. It can connect one to the natural way of birthing and restore a joyous experience of it. It can supply the needed aspects of maintaining the feminine organs, healing abnormalities and cancer or encourage the natural fertile nature one possesses.
Pink Tourmaline is also a gem for men. Not only are the protection aspects beneficial but it creates the balance for the male aspect. Everyone has both feminine and masculine attributes. Depending on which sex one plays in this life, these attributes are either within or visible/without. If one is in harmony with both aspects, relations of all kinds are easy and harmonious. Pink Tourmaline offers an easy way for men to balance their feminine aspects.
Pink Tourmaline allows for men to get a better understanding of the feminine vibration as a whole. This understanding can affect the consciousness of all men and starts to correct the perception of feminine vibration. Aligned and stronger men will emerge with the use of this gem that will be willing to develop and experience equality with women.
Pink Tourmaline is an important gem for the wellbeing of the feminine vibration found not only in oneself but all over the planet.
Pink Tourmaline, just as a mother has for its child, possesses a protective nature.
This protective nature can be felt/ experienced as a field around one's body. This field can be of great assistance against unnatural inputs such as negative thought forms, artificial lighting, electronics, etc. The medium to dark shades of Pink Tourmaline offer this aspect the best and in general the deeper the shade the stronger the protection.
Pink Tourmaline allows for men to get a better understanding of the feminine vibration as a whole. This understanding can affect the consciousness of all men and starts to correct the perception of feminine vibration. Aligned and stronger men will emerge with the use of this gem that will be willing to develop and experience equality with women.
Pink Tourmaline is an important gem for the wellbeing of the feminine vibration found not only in oneself but all over the planet.
Pink Tourmaline, just as a mother has for its child, possesses a protective nature.
This protective nature can be felt/ experienced as a field around one's body. This field can be of great assistance against unnatural inputs such as negative thought forms, artificial lighting, electronics, etc. The medium to dark shades of Pink Tourmaline offer this aspect the best and in general the deeper the shade the stronger the protection.
Pink Tourmaline is found in a range from light to dark pink.
All support the feminine spirit/vibration but based on color choice, aspects of this gem can be stronger or weaker. The colors can be related to the life of a woman to understand the working.
Light Pink is great for the young or young at heart It transfers sweet loving energy which warms the heart (like a child) and brings this warmth out in women.
Medium Pink can be related to a blossoming woman. Great for enhancing fertility and providing nourishment to the organs.
All support the feminine spirit/vibration but based on color choice, aspects of this gem can be stronger or weaker. The colors can be related to the life of a woman to understand the working.
Light Pink is great for the young or young at heart It transfers sweet loving energy which warms the heart (like a child) and brings this warmth out in women.
Medium Pink can be related to a blossoming woman. Great for enhancing fertility and providing nourishment to the organs.
Virendra explains light pink…
The energies enter through the 4th, the heart chakra into the emotional aspect. While the light pink Tourmaline with its high and feminine energies enters the heart chakra into the emotional aspect, the vibration of the heart chakra is raised. Light pink tourmaline carries and offers only protective energies coming along while staying in a space of love.
Women might face flirting periods more lightly without getting deeply involved and too serious. It can be of help while enjoying the freedom of connecting without buying into the conditionings of having sex only with a permanent partner. The independence might be strengthened and so the knowledge about what to do, what to want and what to become. The feeling of being confident might be heightened as well. Women also can keep or regain their natural flow of loving energies while the heart is continuously connected to the higher love vibration.
Light Pink Tourmaline can also be used during periods of separation from the partner to help go through the emotional ups and downs easier. It can also be used to heal abuse issues. The uplifted and positive effected emotions transfer a heightened state to the mental aspect.
The energies of light pink Tourmaline could be addressed as young and playful love vibrations. They are very supportive to young girls approaching puberty and even younger ones going through the shifts and changes while becoming more girly. The vibrations can help any of the younger ones to develop their natural feminine aspect while the right and appropriate inflow of the love aspect is supplied at any given time. This will help later on to be able to express sexuality in a natural and loving way.
If girls wear light pink Tourmaline on a regular basis, they become more harmonious within themselves and through it in connection to others.
For the very young - 6 to 10 years, only designs with an incorporated amount of light pink Tourmaline suiting their age is advised. A good combination gem for this age is Mother of Pearl. For the ones approaching puberty a short and full strand of the light shade will do.
If a grown woman wears light pink Tourmaline, it will affect the emotions very positive through the uplifting and raising vibration it brings to that aspect. The love vibration will be at a lighter but very supportive range.
The energies enter through the 4th, the heart chakra into the emotional aspect. While the light pink Tourmaline with its high and feminine energies enters the heart chakra into the emotional aspect, the vibration of the heart chakra is raised. Light pink tourmaline carries and offers only protective energies coming along while staying in a space of love.
Women might face flirting periods more lightly without getting deeply involved and too serious. It can be of help while enjoying the freedom of connecting without buying into the conditionings of having sex only with a permanent partner. The independence might be strengthened and so the knowledge about what to do, what to want and what to become. The feeling of being confident might be heightened as well. Women also can keep or regain their natural flow of loving energies while the heart is continuously connected to the higher love vibration.
Light Pink Tourmaline can also be used during periods of separation from the partner to help go through the emotional ups and downs easier. It can also be used to heal abuse issues. The uplifted and positive effected emotions transfer a heightened state to the mental aspect.
The energies of light pink Tourmaline could be addressed as young and playful love vibrations. They are very supportive to young girls approaching puberty and even younger ones going through the shifts and changes while becoming more girly. The vibrations can help any of the younger ones to develop their natural feminine aspect while the right and appropriate inflow of the love aspect is supplied at any given time. This will help later on to be able to express sexuality in a natural and loving way.
If girls wear light pink Tourmaline on a regular basis, they become more harmonious within themselves and through it in connection to others.
For the very young - 6 to 10 years, only designs with an incorporated amount of light pink Tourmaline suiting their age is advised. A good combination gem for this age is Mother of Pearl. For the ones approaching puberty a short and full strand of the light shade will do.
If a grown woman wears light pink Tourmaline, it will affect the emotions very positive through the uplifting and raising vibration it brings to that aspect. The love vibration will be at a lighter but very supportive range.

Liquid gems are available in several sizes including refill bottles
select from the pull down menu your desired bottle type and size
3-5 times a day 7 drops (under the tongue) or
2 sprayer squirts (under the tongue) for healing purposes
and/or 12 drops (under the tongue) or
3 sprayer squirts (under the tongue) before meditation
For Liquids & Sprays:
Give as much time as possible after intake to sit or stand
with closed eyes to feel consciously their vibration unfold
Additional Uses for all liquids and sprays:
Apply directly to pulse points
Apply to acupressure and/or chakra points
Add to massage oils
Add to oil burners
Add to an atomizer or atomizer to add to the air
Add to paint or pottery or other art elements
to infuse the vibration within
3-5 times a day 7 drops (under the tongue) or
2 sprayer squirts (under the tongue) for healing purposes
and/or 12 drops (under the tongue) or
3 sprayer squirts (under the tongue) before meditation
For Liquids & Sprays:
Give as much time as possible after intake to sit or stand
with closed eyes to feel consciously their vibration unfold
Additional Uses for all liquids and sprays:
Apply directly to pulse points
Apply to acupressure and/or chakra points
Add to massage oils
Add to oil burners
Add to an atomizer or atomizer to add to the air
Add to paint or pottery or other art elements
to infuse the vibration within